Unbelievably Blessed

Monday, December 26, 2005

b a g LOVER

Kapan terakhir belanja-belanji? :)
Me? weekend kemaren.

What did I buy?

Someone yang betul2 kenal gue pasti akan dengan mudah menebak kalo gue membeli tas lagi. YUP. a bag.
I'm so crazy about bag, even so.. call me a bag fetish! hehehe

Kecintaan gue akan tas memang sudah menjadi pengetahuan umum keluarga dan teman2 gue yang deket sama gue.
Call it my weakness..! I dont mind..
If it's not a shoulder-bag, tote-bag, clutch, bagpack..or even a travel-bag, all of them never fails to attract my attention and my wallet.

Last weekend, it was another tote-bag.
I just fell in love with it as soon as i carried it in my arms. Pheww... It nailed me, I was so in love with it. The texture, the monograms, the size, the colour, the way it was made... mm.. so soft, so classy.
I tried it on me, and Damn!! I looked good, as if the bag was made especially for me! :)
(please..it's not a justification folks!)

so, i brought 'the baby' home.
hu..hu! I'm so so in love with it. aku jatuh cinta..

But So sad I gotta let it go, and put it back inside my drawer, coz I will never brought that piece of art into my lousy office-room I got right now.
(note that I will move to my-a lot better office room, tomorrow)

And here's another thing : I brought several books home, a jean for my hubby, two tops pour moi :) , intellectual-building games and several t shirts for our baby.

Yes! Whatta goody-bag it is.. isnt it?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

pagi sendu

Gue memulai pagi ini dengan sangat tidak semangat. Despite my new red hair (i love it! btw.. hehe). Tapi gue tetep sangat tidak semangat...

Gue bosan dan lelah dengan keadaan begini.
Maybe others will take this situation easily, but i'm not.
Rasanya gue nggak ngerasa 'legowo' nerima ini semua.
Gue berdoa, betul2 sama Allah supaya gue diberikan jalan keluar yang terbaik dari masalah ini.
Semoga Allah masih memberikan kesempatan buat gue.
Dont shut me up Allah...

Jantung gue deg-degan nih..
Perut gue agak2 mules..
Mata rasanya sangat sayu..
