Unbelievably Blessed

Friday, August 12, 2005

Blue Friday and On Parenting

Oh dear friday.
How could you be so blue?
I woke up with big smile to greet my darling friday
Not knowing that you will be so blue

Oh dear friday.
Please be nice, the way that i love you

Ternyata, tanggal 6-7 Sept, saya harus ke SUB lagi. Ugghh..meninggalkan putri tercinta saya lagi deh. Mmm...apa diajak aja ya? Tapi siapa yang jaga nanti selama saya kerja?

Tadi saya sempat bicara dengan salah satu kolega disini, bahwa kayaknya akan kerja lagi menuju SUB. Omigosh!! Again? Lama kelama'an bosen juga ya kesana. hehe...

Tapi pastinya yang jadi pikiran ya malaikat kecil saya.

I and my husband come to think that, human beings can never draw generalizations and write a working instruction in parenting. It consist of arts and understanding.

The unique combinations of parents and children resulted in an amazing relationship amongs them. Its unbelievably complicated! Yet..its so beautiful.

Begitu pula dengan curhat a.k.a sharing antar parents of how to handle their babies. Itu semua semata-mata S H A R I N G. Apakah bisa diterapkan? hoohoo..! Beyom tjentjuuu. Again...karena parents, children, and the combinations among them are so unique. So, what else can we do? We can learn and try hard to understand the chemistry with our babies. Then, we might react the way our babies desired and needed.


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